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The Best Bedtime Stories online

PAW Patrol Story or When Friends are in Trouble

Thanks to a famous animated movie the adventures of a little Ryder and 8 funny pups that are always  ready to rescue those who need a hand became familiar to an every kid.  Reading stories about PAW Patrol is no less interesting than to watch them on the screen. See for yourself.

PAW Patrol New Adventures of Brave Heroes

When the alarm sound came Ryder was sitting at the HQ as usual and thinking over the options of improving the coordination between the members of paw patrol.  The boy wanted pups’ reaction in case of emergency be immediate since his life aim was about saving the others.  He was so kind-hearted that even helped those villains from the Kitten Catastrophe Crew who during all their lives were doing none but mischiefs to a paw patrol.


Having barely heard a distress call the boy sounded the alarm using Paw Pad and summoned the entire patrol to come to HQ immediately. This time their help was needed for a small kitten that had climbed on a tree and couldn't go down. Just in a few minutes the pup team was already in the main office except Marshall.

"It's very strange that our fellow is late," uttered Ryder sadly.

"Maybe something has happened with him, it is so

unlike Marshal," Chase hurried to stand up for his best friend.

" We'll handle it later, now we have to rescue this poor kitten," ordered Ryder. "Pup Team is ready!"

Paw Patrol rushed together to help. In a matter of minutes the scared kitty was already hugging his cat mom and promised not to climb on the trees again.

"No job is too big, no pup is too small!" Ryder repeated the team's catchphrase. He was very happy about the way pup team has worked but he also was worrying about where Marshall could disappear.  That's why the boy decided to find out everything. But he didn’t go to Dalmatian's house, didn’t make it since Chase and Robo-Dog were the first. The pups had already visited Marshall who was their best friend and were hurrying with bad news: the Dalmatian had got cold and was seriously ill.


Paw Patrol Story online. The Importance of Mutual Support

The news that the brave paw team's dog needs help became widespread in a moment. While pups were deciding how they might help, there was a queue to Marshall's house: every animal who was any time supported by Dalmatian or anyone from the team was ready to visit an ill puppy. Rabbits were carrying carrots as vitamins were very important while sickness, a little bear came with a small jar of honey and Al and Yumi the farmers brought delicious raspberry jam.  


Ryder and pups did not expect such attention and were very grateful to everyone who decided to help their fellow. But the most amazed was Marshall. He was very pleased as even Mayor Goodway  came to visit him that, of course, was of a big honor. When the Mayor knew about the illness of a brave Dalmatian, first of all, he called Katie the pet doctor to him and then decided to ask about puppy's health all by himself.

Katie examined Marshal and prescribed him some medicine. The puppy was doing well soon because his main therapy was his friends' support.

Ryder was really joyful when Marshal got well and was back to HQ , ready to ruff-ruff rescue again. Once again friend's illness proved the importance of mutual support and the job they are doing.

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About the author

Маргарита Сурженко

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